3 Crazy-Good Avocado Smoothie Recipes
Proof you don't have to stick to the traditional avo-on-toast recipe to get your daily avo fix in. Why not try these avocado smoothie recipes instead?

May 13, 2015

Avocados are filled with nutrients and you don’t just have to stick to the traditional avo-on-toast recipe to get them in. Say hello to these avocado smoothie recipes…

Avocado, Chocolate And Peanut-Butter Smoothie 


– 1 avo
– 2 to 3 tbsp OhMega chocolate almond butter
– 1 cup of yoghurt

Purée 1 avocado and blend with nut butter and yoghurt. You can also replace the nut butter with 1 cup almond milk.

READ MORE: 11 Avo Toast Recipes That’ll Fill You Up For Less Than 1 470 Kilojoules

Avocado And Berry Smoothie


– 1 avo
– 1 handful frozen berries
– 1 cup yoghurt (or milk alternative)
– Drizzle of honey or agave syrup

Purée avo with berries, yoghurt and add honey to taste.

READ MORE: 6 Time-Saving Smoothie Hacks That’ll Change Your Life

Avocado, Banana And Turmeric Lassi


– 1 avo
– 1 banana
– 1 cup yoghurt (or milk alternative)
– Pinch of turmeric

Purée ingredients together and add a sprinkle of turmeric before serving.

Five facts you never knew about avos:

1 Avos have double the amount of potassium compared to bananas.
2  You can use avos to replace butter in baked goods.
3 They can repair damaged hair – hello homemade hair mask!
4 Studies conducted in the States have proven that people who eat avos tend to be healthier than people who do not.
5  They’ll ripen more quickly if you put them near bananas and apples.

Looking for more on avos? Here are five easy avo hacks you should know, plus nine smoothie fails you’re probably making (and don’t even realise it).