7 Ways To Boost Your Fertility And Make Sure You Fall Pregnant
With one in four couples struggling to conceive, Wijnland Fertility Clinic's Dr Johannes van Waart shares some tips to up the chances of you having a baby when you want to...

March 11, 2015

7 Ways To Boost Your Fertility And Make Sure You Fall Pregnant

Fertility has a limited time span and with women having children later there is a significant rise in infertility cases. With one in four couples struggling to conceive, Wijnland Fertility Clinic’s Dr Johannes van Waart shares some tips to up the chances of you having a baby when you want to…

Plan To Have Children Before 35

From the age of 30 your fertility starts to decline to a 63 percent chance of success. From 35 years the likelihood of having a baby naturally drops to 52 percent and from age 40 you have a 36 percent chance of conceiving spontaneously.

Freeze Your Eggs

If you haven’t met ‘the one’ or your career is keeping things on hold, consider freezing your eggs. An ova bank will assist in harvesting your healthy eggs and storing them for later. There is no guarantee, of course, as earlier onset fertility issues may have already begun, but having ‘younger’ eggs in the bank may better your chances of baby success later.

READ MORE: 5 Things Every Woman Needs To Know About Her Fertility

Watch Your Weight

Overweight or underweight – your weight will determine your overall health and could impact on your ability to conceive. Female oestrogen is produced in a woman’s fat cells so long-term dieting may well end up throwing your hormones out of balance.

Being overweight also affects your hormones and increases the chances of developing polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.

Exercise in Moderation

A healthy lifestyle includes exercise but don’t let your daily workout turn into an obsession. Some women are not underweight but have become ultra-fit.

The constant intense exercises (and subsequent injuries) send the brain a message that circumstances for procreation are not ideal. Aim for a healthy balance.

READ MORE: 17 Weird Things That Can Mess With Your Fertility

Check Your Timing

The peak of each woman’s fertility cycle is different. As a rule, the best time to have intercourse is every second day, starting two days before ovulation. Trying every day adds no advantage but just takes a little more energy.

Couples who are not conceiving after one year of unprotected sex, despite having intercourse twice a week, should see a fertility specialist. Often the fertility clinic will simply ensure that the timing is right, whilst also investigating other possibilities that may be preventing natural pregnancy from occurring.

Is it You or Him?

Male infertility is increasing sharply. Couples shouldn’t just assume that the issue lies with the female partner with up to 50 percent of infertility cases now symptomatic of the male partner. If you suspect either of you is having fertility problems it’s a good idea to check it out sooner rather than later.

READ MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Tell Exactly When You’re Ovulating

Mind Does Matter

Your emotional state is powerful enough to prevent conception. From being highly stressed at work or overly anxious about conceiving, to harbouring deep feelings of guilt over sexual history or secret abortions.

Wijnland Fertility Clinics resident psychologist, Lizanne van Waart, points out that suppressed feelings about not wanting to have a baby, or underlying stress within relationships, may also add up to the kind of emotional blockages that can prevent conception. “It’s important to unearth the feelings behind the problem before starting out on the challenging journey through parenting”.

For more information about the options for diagnosing and treating infertility, visit www.wijnlandfertility.co.za