5 Instagram Accounts That Will Help Ease Your End-Of-Year Anxiety
Here are the anxiety-easing 'grams to scroll through when everything's falling apart and you need something solid to hold onto.

December 6, 2017

A woman lying face-down on a bed because she has end-of-year anxiety

By Michelle October; Photography by Vladislav Muslakov/Unsplash

It’s that time of year. 

Sure, social media is touted as the cause of all the anxiety, but from the medium has emerged an offering of comfort in the form of artists spreading realism and positivity to tipper the sting of mental illness. Read on for the ‘grams to scroll through when everything’s falling apart and you need something solid to hold onto.


Day 2: #boringselfcarenov – DISHES ?. Some questions to think about when posting: – What does it feel like to do the task – Do you need help? What help? – Have you adapted the task? How? – Does your mental health impact? – Does your physical health impact? – Are you neurodiverse, does this impact? – What about your environment? Eg shared housing, homelessness, safety etc – What could change to make the task easier? – How did it feel to think about this task today? – Does your work affect this task? – Do being on benefits or lack of access to benefits affect the task? – Do you know how to do the task? – Does motivation play a part in why this task is difficult? – A goal for the future. . I am reducing the price of related items in my shop for 24 hours! #boringselfcare

A post shared by Hannah Daisy ?️‍? (@makedaisychains) on

Overwhelmed? You may need to step back and refocus your energy on the little things you have accomplished, like doing the dishes, or just getting out of bed. Hannah Daisy, curator and artist behind the account Making Daisy Chains, champions this form of coping with anxiety through #BoringSelfCare, along with relatable art that sums up how we’re feeling.

READ MORE: 8 Physical Signs That Stress Is Seriously Hurting Your Body

Gemma Correll

#mondaymotivation ?

A post shared by Gemma Correll (@gemmacorrell) on

Gemma’s work ranges from things that are focused on mental health to doodles of her pug, to funny puns that function as social commentary. You’re bound to relate to some, if not all, of her work.


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Mari’s work is like a mind map for your life, including everything from your battle with depression to how you feel about your last relationship. Scrolling through her feed is like a gentle squeeze of the hand from someone who just knows what it’s like.


When you wish your exes a very specific amount of happiness. ? #BarelyFunctionalAdult #vancaf

A post shared by Barely Functional Adult (@barelyfunctionaladult) on

When everything is too much and you can’t muster up the energy to fold your laundry, Barely Functional knows what you feel – and they’ve drawn it for you in a comic.

READ MORE: Cerebral Overload: How To Manage End Of Year Stress


Good effort

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Loryn’s work is exactly every little thing that’s happened to you, but cuter. Her cartoons, complete with googly eyes, puppies and pastel colours, will make you feel cushy and warm inside. And everything will feel better again.

Want more? Boost your happiness with these quick tricks.