These Basic Moves Will Help You Nail The Pistol Squat In No Time!
Nail the pistol squat with these simple stretches from Next Fitness Star Top 12 finalist, Teal Hogg.

May 10, 2019

Women’s Health, hydrated by Powerade with adidas, is looking for SA’s next celebrity trainer — a woman with a powerful fitspo story and the ability to inspire others to get off the couch and embrace an active, healthy lifestyle. The judges have narrowed the search to twelve inspirational women. Now it’s up to you to select the five finalists who will go into the running for the title of 2019 Women’s Health Next Fitness Star

The top 12 introduce themselves and their favourite workouts. If you like what you see be sure to vote for your favourite.

Meet Teal Hogg

A 21-year-old professional surfer currently ranked 1st in Africa, Teal is a force to be reckoned with. She’s a qualified Basi Pilates instructor, with a diploma in sports and exercise nutrition and a certified personal trainer. Being a surfer, Teal knows the importance of being fit and strong. Her speciality is full-body workouts that target all muscle groups. “I love to incorporate full body workouts into my daily routine and just to keep it interesting, I try to make every workout different and challenging,” she says.

Nail the pistol squat

One of Teal’s favourite and most challenging exercises is the pistol squat. What started out as one of her weaknesses is now a must in all her workouts.

“Pistol squats are actually more flexibility than strength, flexibility from the hips and strength from the glutes and quads,” she explains.

Teal shows us how to master the pistol squat with simple stretches that will have you nailing this complex move in no time. Simply follow along and you’ll soon be the envy of the gym!

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PISTOL PROGRESSION (part. 1) ? For years I was never able to do even half a pistol squat, but I was so determined to get them right and the only way was for me to start from scratch (I couldn’t bend one knee without it concaving). Everything I share is self taught, I’ve never had anyone guide me into these poses, exercises or movements, I go with what I’ve learnt through body alignment studies as well as tons of trial and error, with what feels good and what doesn’t. So the reason I’m sharing this video with you is because I know how intimidating a pistol squat can be, these few exercises helped me so much throughout my pistol squat progression, they seem so silly and easy but they play a huge role in targeting the correct muscle groups for this particular exercise. Pistol squats are actually more flexibility than strength, flexibility from the hips and strength from the glutes and quads. All your power and energy needs to be coming straight from your heal, working all the way up in sync and alignment. ? // ?Song: Girls need love – @summerwalker ft. @champagnepapi

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