This Is Undoubtedly The Best Vegan Chocolate Icing Ever!
It's #VeganMonday. Any excuse for cake! Treat yourself with the best sugar-free vegan icing ever (trust us). Here's how to whip it up. So simple...

April 29, 2016

The simplest and undoubtedly the best sugar-free vegan icing ever…

It’s #VeganMonday. Any excuse for cake! Treat yourself with this vegan icing. Here’s how to whip it up. So simple…

What You Need

1 tin coconut cream
200g raw dark chocolate or vegan chocolate
1-2 tbsp agave nectar (or raw honey or coconut blossom nectar)


1. Place coconut cream in the fridge overnight.
2. The next day, melt the chocolate slowly. Remove coconut cream from fridge. Turn tin upside down, open and remove watery liquid (keep for smoothies), reserving thick cream.
3. Scoop cream into melted chocolate with agave and mix immediately.
4. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes, then mix again with a mixer – the texture will be just like butter icing, but the taste will be even better!


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