The Only Black Friday Fashion Items You Should Be Checking Out
Black and Friday! Two of our fave things. Get your hands on the latest Black Friday fashion in the comfort of your own home.

November 23, 2018

Black and Friday! Two of our favourite things. Black Friday fashion – oh yes! We’ve put together a list of more of our faves. Get your hands on the latest fashion in the comfort of your own home, from behind your desk or even on your commute to work (unless you’re the one driving, of course).

Whoa – 250 000 sale items with up to 90% off! You’ll find anything from workout gear to a dress for the wedding you’re attending next month.

READ MORE: 12 Perfect Pairs Of Underwear For Your Exact Body Shape

Oh hello full weekend of shopping – with today’s deals starting at 70% off, we’ll be buying ALL the sneakers all weekend long.

Mr Price

MrP is basically giving away stuff. Keep those costumes coming, just like the cocktails we’ll be sipping when we wear them…

READ MORE: The Best Swimsuit “Look” For You, According To Your Personality

Mr Price Sport

Hold my cart while I run for some running gear. See ya!