Blast Kilojoules Quickly With This 15-Minute Workout You Can Do At Home
Don't think you can get a solid cardio workout in less than 15 minutes? This rapid-fire workout will get your heart pumping and blast kilojoules quickly.

August 30, 2017

Michelle October doing a kilojoules blasting workout

By Jen Ator, Gym Equipment sponsored by REBEL Elite Fitness

This high-octane routine will rev your metabolism, melt fat, and be over in no time!

Don’t think you can get a solid cardio workout in less than 15 minutes? Happy news: If you have a packed schedule (or tend to lose your focus), high-intensity intervals will give you the results you want in the time you have. In fact, according to fitness experts, short bursts of intense activity burn more kilojoules than steady-state cardio slogs.

This rapid-fire workout will get your heart pumping and your metabolism firing. Plus, thanks to the lean muscle mass you’ll build, you’ll keep burning kilojoules throughout the day. Two or three times a week, complete as many reps of each move as you can in 60 seconds, going from one exercise to the next without resting. Take a one-minute break, then repeat for a total of three sets. Challenge yourself by upping it to 90 seconds for each move.

READ MORE: 6 Kilojoules- Blasting Moves That’ll Make You A Better Runner

Watch one of our WH Staffers perform the moves: 


With your arms in front of your chest, elbows bent, raise your right knee toward your left elbow. Lower your knee. Place your left foot two feet from your right and lower into a squat, hold for three seconds, then jump as high as you can, extending both arms overhead. Do the same with the other leg. That’s one rep.


Stand with your feet two to three feet apart, then bend your knees, rotate your torso and right leg to the left, and reach your right arm toward your left foot. From this position, quickly jump a few feet to the left, switching the position of your arms and legs. That’s one rep. Jump back to start and continue alternating.

READ MORE: 5 Workouts That Blast More Kilojoules Than A Spin Class


Stand with your feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, and fists at your chest. Jump up, reach your arms overhead, and spread your legs apart. Land softly and lower into a squat, reaching both hands toward the floor. Return to start. That’s one rep.


Raise your arms out at shoulder height, elbows bent and fingers pointing toward the ceiling. Keeping your core tight and chest as upright as possible, raise your left knee toward your chest (as if you were skipping) and clap your hands under your thigh.

Looking for more kilojoule blasting workouts? Here’s how to burn more kilojoules on the treadmill, plus here’s 6 ways to burn more kilojoules on a rowing machine