10 Signs That Someone You Know Is Emotionally Unstable
Changeable as the weather and far less predictable, these high-maintenance types careen from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other.

May 29, 2018

10 Signs That Someone You Know Is Emotionally Unstable

Bad people. They can drag you down, or even threaten your safety. Learn how to identify – and protect yourself from – these personality types. First of all, here’s how to spot someone who is emotionally unstable.

The vibe. Changeable as the weather and far less predictable, these high-maintenance types careen from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other.

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Likely To Be Found…

Stockpiling perceived slights to use in future arguments, demanding your undivided attention 24/7, or flirting shamelessly with people they shouldn’t.

Case Studies

The friend who manipulates others by regularly threatening to hurt themselves; the ex who repeatedly breaks up with you, then begs you to come back; the temperamental boss everyone tiptoes around.

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Their Effect On You

Dealing with their emotional highs and lows drains you and can cause anxiety and chronic stress.

Red Flags

1/ Prone to all-or-nothing thinking.

2/ Has an overwhelming need for someone to love them exclusively.

3/ Has outbursts that are disproportionate to the circumstances.

4/ Always needs to have the last word.

5/ Displays severe mood swings.

READ MORE: These Are The 4 Most Serious Relationship Red Flags

6/ Turns against friends and loved ones without cause.

7/ Frequently falls apart under stress.

8/ Is unreliable or unstable.

9/ Has intense but short-lived relationships.

10/ Has vandalised or destroyed the property of a former colleague, friend, roommate or lover.