Daniella Ashley Lagerwey serves up some serious Fitspiration #BodyGoals and loves her food as much as we do! She’s a master of creating healthy, nourishing dishes that support an active lifestyle. Check out her insta page: @healthylivingwithdaniella and her awesome recipe for hazelnut brownie bliss bites below… She is also one of our #WHNextFitFoodie Top 10 contenders.
“These healthy, rich, chocolatey & indulgent D’lights with a crunchy hazelnut surprise in the middle are one of my favourite recipes. I mean hazelnuts & chocolate (enough said) plus this recipe is also so perfect for this festive time of year, where your family, friends & little ones can all enjoy the fun of making them together. And can you believe it they contain no added sugar. The naturally sweet dates hit the spot and add a whole lot of fibre too.”
READ MORE: Meet The Top 10 SA Foodies Taking The Cooking Scene By Storm

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