Change of season got you feeling clogged up? Boost your immune system with this natural, easy-to-make tonic.
Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties, plus it’s an immune stimulator. Turmeric is a major inflammation fighter, plus it can help prevent and fight cancer. Ginger is a well-known immune booster, thanks to its natural antibacterial properties, but it’s also great for soothing upset stomachs and nausea.
READ MORE: Juices To Flatten Your Belly, Cleanse And Fight Infection
Lemon and orange juice are both high in vitamin C, our major cold and flu fighter! Honey is a natural cough syrup and antibacterial, but it also contains powerful antioxidants that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Last, but not least, we all know that mint tastes great, but did you know that it also helps aid digestion?
READ MORE: 4 Super Juices So Powerful They’re Basically Magic Potions
You can drink this hot before going bed – especially if you have a sore throat – or sip on it throughout the day, hot or cold (like an iced tea).
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Cook’s Notes
You can find fresh turmeric at spice shops, farmers’ markets and even at Woolworths now – just be careful when handling it, as the colour can stain your skin and fingernails.
You could also pour boiling water into a teapot and allow all the ingredients to steep for 10 minutes instead of boiling on the stove.