Laughter Is The Best Medicine And Cover Star Kate Hudson Knows It
We know it: laughter is a great stress relief! And boy, could we do with as many of those as possible right about now.

June 1, 2020

We know it: laughter is a great stress relief! And boy, could we do with as many of those as possible right about now.

Have a laugh

Polls from all over the globe show that stress levels are spiking during lockdown and the Corona pandemic. Nearly half of Americans report the crisis is harming their mental health, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. Locally, calls to organisations like the SA Depression and Anxiety Group have doubled since the start of South Africa’s lockdown on March 27.

Having a good laugh doesn’t just lighten the mental load, but the physical one too. Just ask the Mayo Clinic who will tell you that laughter even stimulates your organs. By taking in oxygen-rich air, your heart, lungs and muscles are stimulated and your endorphins are increased. A laugh also fires up and cools down your stress response and it can stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation.

Here’s the challenge

And who better to understand the power of a good laugh that our June cover star, Kate Hudson and her mom, Goldie Hawn. At 74, Goldie is still dishing comic gold over on Insta – with her singing and her giggles. Last week, she launched a laughing challenge, proclaiming via a vid that we should all try and laugh at least once a day to help ease our minds. Her caption probably says it better, since her partner Kurt Russell was trying to tickle her with a plant frond while she spoke to camera!


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Ok guys, no joke, laughter is the best medicine! It’s the perfect way to decrease stress and improve your mood in just a few seconds. So please join me for this challenge and share a video of yourself laughing (you can do it with your kids, your family or even your pets!). Don’t forget to tag me and post your videos with the hashtag #laughingchallenge. I will repost my favorite videos of the challenge. I’m counting on you! ? ⁣ ????????: boosts immunity, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, prevents heart disease, eases anxiety and tension, improves mood, strengthens resilience, draws you closer to people and strengthens relationships. Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh! Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh can go a long way toward making you feel better. ❤️⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #laughingchallenge @mindup #laughteristhebestmedicine

A post shared by Goldie Hawn (@goldiehawn) on

“Ok guys, no joke, laughter is the best medicine!” it reads. “It’s the perfect way to decrease stress and improve your mood in just a few seconds. So please join me for this challenge and share a video of yourself laughing (you can do it with your kids, your family or even your pets!) ????????: boosts immunity, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, prevents heart disease, eases anxiety and tension, improves mood, strengthens resilience, draws you closer to people and strengthens relationships. Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh! Even in the most difficult of times, a laugh can go a long way toward making you feel better.❤️”

Cover Star Kate Joins In

Daughter Kate was quick to follow suit. She posted this super-cute vid of her and her daughter, Rani with the declaration: post a little laughter. Since then, the hashtag has picked up thousands of laughing vids, bringing a little endorphin boost to all of us! Want to join in?

Post a vid and don’t forget to tag us and #laughingchallenge. Pick up a copy of the June issue to read about how Kate balanced her work schedule with the parenting of her three kids and her mental and physical wellbeing.