“I Lost Weight — With No Gym Membership Or Diet Plan”
To lose weight, “you must be disciplined, focused and love yourself enough to see your journey through,” says Nokukhanya. It’s really not rocket science.

February 21, 2017

Nokukhanya lost weight using this method

By Zinhlezonke Zikalala

Losing weight can actually be really simple. It just depends how you look at it.

In order to lose weight, “you must be disciplined, focused and love yourself enough to see your journey through,” says 30-year-old Nokukhanya Mbatha. It’s really not rocket science. Here, Nokukhanya shares her super-simple weight-loss tips. No gym membership or expensive eating plan required.

Nokukhanya Mbatha

Occupation: Finance officer
Age: 30
Height: 1.52m
Weight before: 97kg
Weight after: 79kg
Time taken to lose weight: 1 year, 3 months
Secret weapon: Healthy diet and exercise

The Gain

Nokukhanya’s family are by no means petite, slender people; hence, she was referred to as “isdudla esihle” (“the pretty chubby girl”) throughout her teenage years. But a bit of baby fat didn’t really faze her. It was only when she gave birth to her firstborn that she really began to struggle with her weight – that was around 11 years ago. “I got into an ugly relationship with food – it was my comfort. Chocolates were my BFF, I loved fries and soft drinks, and pastries were the order of  the day. I only drank water when I had to down pills if I was sick,” she admits.

The Change

“I noticed I’d started snoring at night and, when I was awake, I struggled with my breathing,” says Nokukhanya. She consulted a doctor, who told her she was overweight and needed to shed the kilos – fast. “I had adjustments to make – I ditched the junk ; as hard as it was, I did it. I started eating healthier – veggies, fruits; I drank more water. I also started jogging in the mornings and doing home workouts every chance I got,” she says. The change happened in March 2015 and Nokukhanya hasn’t looked back since.

READ MORE: Will Eating Less Really Help You Shrink Your Stomach?

The Lifestyle

Nokukhanya had no gym membership, so she’d wake up at 4:30am every morning and go jogging for an hour, then return to her DIY home workouts. By 6:00am, she’d be done and assist her family while they got ready for the day – which is also exercising. Wink. “My diet wasn’t fancy either,” she says. “I ate according to what I could afford. I didn’t, and still don’t, follow any specific diet plan either, because I get bored and fall off the wagon,” she admits. The trick is preparing your own food and being creative in the kitchen, “It’s really fun,” she adds.

READ MORE: 4 Ways To Lose Weight While You Work!

The Reward

Because losing weight can be hard, even the slightest progress is celebrated. “I’d be so happy to see that I’d lost 2kg – even if it was on a monthly basis, it meant all my hard work wasn’t in vain. That really is a good feeling,” admits Nokukhanya. Like most women, retail therapy is always in order. “I love shoes and new clothes to enjoy my new size,” she adds. From a size 42 to a 34… Sister, honey, girrrl! #SnapSnapSnap

Ready to transform your life too? Sign up to Women’s Health’s expert-approved eating and exercise plan – Lean Body Blitz – and watch the weight disappear.

Nokukhanya’s Tips

Don’t do it for people. Do it for yourself.
Admit you need help. Step out of your comfort zone and focus.
Change the way you see food. Eat more, but in small portions.

Looking for more inspirational weight-loss stories? Check out how Zamazindela lost 23 kilos, and how Belinda transformed her life and became a personal trainer.