4 Crucial Things You Might Be Getting Wrong When You Have Natural Hair
Natural hair needs love. Lots of it. And, trust us, it knows when it's being neglected. Could you be forgetting one of these vital natural hair-care rules?

April 21, 2017

By Zinhlezonke Zikalala

It’s not all wash, rinse, repeat…

Natural hair needs love… lots of it. And trust me, it knows when it’s being neglected. African beauties with natural hair know this all too well. We spoke to Andiswa Linda, a natural hair blogger (luscious haircare), who shared her dos and don’ts when it comes to taking the best care of your natural hair.

That crown needs treatment almost every two weeks: washing, conditioning, moisturising – the whole shebang. You can either do it yourself at home, or zip into a hair salon (if you’re all about the balling life). Either way, you need to know this…

1. Chemicals Are The Devil!

Avoid synthetic chemicals – and be aware that they come in various forms. Relaxers contain the most damaging chemical, sodium hydroxide. Others, such as perms, colourings and texturisers, all contain different levels of chemicals. These products strip the hair of its natural oils and make it lifeless, dry and easy to break. Wherever possible, think of alternative ways of grooming your hair with natural materials which result in just as much glamour.

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2. Moisturise That Crown, Boo!

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise! Natural hair oils take longer to travel through curly hair, so you need to keep it moisturised all the time. Rub your product of choice into your hair for two to three minutes before combing. Look out for products that clearly say “lotion” or “detangling moisturiser”. Moisturising prevents dryness, which leads to breakage. Did we say “moisturise” enough? Yes, it’s that important…

3. Don’t Overlook Conditioning, Hun!

First wash with a protein moisturising shampoo, then deep condition – this helps to keep the hair and scalp healthy all day, everyday. Apply leave-in conditioners to your scalp even when you wear braids and weaves.

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4. Trim It And Wrap It!

Don’t be afraid to trim your hair. Regularly trimming of the tips keeps split ends from causing additional damage. The other option? Apply more moisturiser to the hair ends to keep them from splitting and breaking. And, just before you head off to la-la-land, wrap your hair in a satin scarf or head wrap, which will help lock in the nutrients and avoid more breakage.

Your fro’s going to thank us for this!

On other news: did you know that your hairstyle can actually make you go bald?