Low-Kilojoule Lunch: Sardines On Toast
Don't underestimate this sardines on toast recipe! The combination of sweet juiciness from the tomato and the strong savoury taste of the sardines work perfectly. Give it a try for breakfast or lunch...

April 1, 2015

Don’t underestimate this sardines on toast recipe! The combination of sweet juiciness from the tomato and the strong savoury taste of the sardines work perfectly. Give it a try for breakfast or lunch…
“Tomatoes on toast is one of my favourite breakfasts. I love this idea because it combines the sweet juiciness of the tomato and the strong savoury taste of the sardines,” says author of the Sunday Times Cookbook of the Year: Star Fish, Daisy Jones.
Benefits: Sardines are one of the healthiest foods you can eat to promote bone health,  are good for heart health, packed with muscle-building protein  and are low in kilojoules.

What You Need

10 to 15 cherry tomatoes
Extra-virgin olive oil, for frying
1 red chilli
100g tin of sardines in oil
2 slices dense bread
Butter, for the toast
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper


1/ Cut the tomatoes in half while you heat the oil in a nonstick frying pan (make sure you have a lid).
2/ Take the pan off the heat and place the tomatoes in the pan, cut-side down. Once all the tomatoes are in the pan, add the whole chilli (for subtle heat), then return the pan to the heat, which should now be on medium-low. Place the lid over the pan to steam the tomatoes. After a few minutes, turn the tomatoes over, replace the lid and cook for one minute.
3/ Break all the sardines in half and place them in the pan with the tomatoes. Gently heat the tomato-sardine mixture, taking care not to break up the tomatoes or sardines.
4/ Make your toast and butter it. Top it with the mixture and season generously with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. The whole chilli may be removed or left in for garnish.
SERVES 2. Per serving: 1 337kJ, 8g fat (2g sat), 42g carbs, 790mg sodium, 3g fibre, 21g protein