This Chamomile Smoothie Will Make Falling Asleep Easier Than Ever
Can't face one more night of tossing and turning? Well, get ready to snuggle up to the best sleep of your life with this simple (drinkable) trick!

August 2, 2016

Berry smoothie that'll help you sleep better

By Amy Rankin; photograph by Sean Calitz

Can’t face one more night of tossing and turning?
Well, get ready to snuggle up to the best sleep of your life with this simple (drinkable) trick!
Not catching enough zzz’s at night? It could be because your daily habits are actually sabotaging your sleep pattern. But before you give up on getting some shut-eye altogether try this…
The answer to your nightly nightmare might be… hemp! Yup, hemp. Forget the association with weed – there’s no THC in hemp powder. The reason you’ll sleep better with hemp in your diet is because it contains high amounts of magnesium, which studies show helps to decrease cortisol – the stress hormone that keeps many of us up at night. Take this a step further by making this smoothie with chamomile tea, which helps to ease anxiety. We’re totally going to try this – because 50% of fat loss happens when you sleep!
Plus, whether you’re vegan and need to make sure you’re getting all your amino acids, or you’re building some muscle and need the extra protein, adding hemp to your diet is a healthy way to increase your intake.

The Sleep Better Smoothie

What You Need
½ cup cooled chamomile tea
1 cup frozen berries
¼ cup walnuts
1 tbsp cashew-nut butter
1 tbsp hemp powder

Blend together and slurp yourself to sleep! You can swap cashew-nut butter for almonds and walnuts for macadamias.

Try it: Organic Hemp Protein Powder, R60 (200g),

Try these 3 delicious breakfast smoothies for fabulous abs. Plus: Sprinkling this powder into your smoothies might help you lose weight.