If sleep doth evade you like your office crush (shame), you’re not alone. Around 30 to 40% of people have insomnia and experts suspect the rates of sleep apnoea are similarly high.
Rest easy knowing there are more than a few hard-working sleepytime products that’ll help you drift off, for real.
1/ The Slumber-Inducing Body Lotion
A cult classic among those in the know: Sleepy is a heady concoction of lavender, Ylang Ylang and Tonka Absolute. Breathe deep… and good night. Lush Sleepy lotion, R140.
2/ The ‘Zero-Disturbance’ Ear Plugs
If you need absolute silence before you drift off, try earplugs. These are specifically for sleep, so they won’t hurt your drums when you’re on your side. Hearos Ear Plugs, R60, Dis-Chem.
READ MORE: Will You Really Get Fat If You Sleep After Eating?
3/ The Sleeptime Pills
Take two tablets before bedtime – the natural root extract, Valerian (no dragons, thankfully) helps induce sleep, while Corydalis, another herb, helps calm you down. SOLAL Herbal Sleep, R230, Dis-Chem.
READ MORE: 5 Things To Eat At Night That’ll Help You Sleep Way, Way Better
4/ Dreamy Cookies
Imagine if you could eat a cookie and fall asleep. It exists! These chocolate cookies, with chamomile and Vitamin E, are meant to help stimulate calm so you can finally drift off. Dream Cookies SleepyTime Cookies, R40, Wellness Warehouse .
5/ Bedtime Oil
A blend of essential oils, including calming lavender, cedarwood for sedation and vetiver for insomnia. Roll under your feet before bedtime, apply to wrists, neck and ears, and nod off. Get Oily Essential Oil Blend, R380, Faithful To Nature.