So Hot Right Now: A Magic Mirror That Filters In Real Time
Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall just got real. Enter the augmented reality Magic Mirror: beauty tech that adjusts your look in real time. Here's how it works.

November 9, 2016

women looking into magic mirror

By Zinhle Zikalala; Photography by Pexels

Who still consults make-up artists for beauty advice in 2016? #Eyeroll.

Okay, probably most of us – but with the “Magic Mirror” doing the rounds in the beauty industry, it definitely won’t be for long.

WTF Is This?

You know how you get filters that show you 10 different versions of your selfie?  Well, brace yourself: there’s an augmented reality mirror that lets you “try on” different types of looks. Developed by Charlotte Tilbury, a make-up artist and brand in herself, together with brand Holition, this mirror is the beauty tech you’d want in your boudoir. So…

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How Does It Work?

A video posted by Holition (@holition_london) on

The mirror shows 10 signature looks which are applied to the customer’s face in real-time as they sit in front of the mirror. Apparently it can:

– Serve you these different looks in 40 seconds.

– Show you how to transform your make-up from day to night with little adjustments (e.g. change of lip colour).

– Save the looks and send them to your email, to reminisce over.

Read More: How The No Make-Up Selfie Hurts Us

Is It Changing Lives?

Mos def! The biggest advantage the mirror has above a normal make-up artist is the ease with which the make-up is applied. Plus: it saves you serious time. That in itself is life-changing. Literally – time is money… and money we don’t have.

A photo posted by Sanj (@sanjsurati) on

Now you can tell who’s the prettiest of them all!