These Are The World’s Top Fitness Influencers — And They’re All Women!
We salute these women: Kayla Itsines, Jen Selter and Emily Skye, who are the leading influencers in the fitness realm. Get their top tips and workouts here!

July 3, 2017

By Amy Hopkins

Meet the real wonder women!

In an era where your 10km PB times and sweaty selfies give you serious street credit, it’s no wonder that Forbes’ inaugural influencer list included fitness as one of its main categories. And, step aside Richard Simmons, the top three are all women! In fact, of the Forbes’ Top Influencers of 2017: Fitness, only two of the top 10 are men!

Number 1: Kayla Itsines

It was over a year ago that we decided to make a personal trainer our cover star for the first time and since then we’ve watched Kayla Itsines’ reach spread throughout the globe. Her app and workout programme, Sweat with Kayla (which essentially replaced her BBG downloadable booklets), generated over $17-million in 2016 alone. And, listen up hard-core fans, she’s released a new programme called BBG Stronger. Unlike the original do-anywhere BBG, Stronger is tailored towards those who like using weights and going to gym (like all of us at #TeamWH who are hitting Virgin Active for our #WHGetsFitChallenge).

READ MORE: 3-Minute Abs Workout Kayla Itsines Swears By

READ MORE: Here’s How You Can Join The #WHGetsFit Challenge This Winter

Number 2: Jennifer Selter

Kayla isn’t the only one making Tsunami-like waves in the health and fitness space… Number 2 on Forbes’ list is New Yorker, Jennifer Selter, who gained popularity with her booty-boosting regimen. The #JenSelterChallenge community has grown to over 11-million followers on insta. And, while her account is mostly filled with sexy, barely covered ass pics, we are big advocates of a good lower-body workout.

READ MORE: This Is The Best Move For A Sexy Booty

Number 2: Emily Skye

Another round of applause for the Ausies — number three on Forbes’ list of fitness influencers is Emily Skye. A fitness competitor who turned her recipe-meets-exercise blog into a successful workout programme (complete with, meal plan, app and video tutorials), Skye now has over two million followers on Insta and is releasing a sneaker range in collaboration with Reebok in 2018. We also love her ‘I’m a real woman with stretch-marks and pimples style’. Plus, she’s preggers! Watch her space for cool preggie-friendly workouts!

READ MORE: This 5-Months Pregnant Olympic Runner Is A Real-Life Wonder Woman

#13weekspregnant ???? . I did my second proper workout since being pregnant and I felt FANTASTIC!! You may have already seen on my insta story… but after posting yesterday’s workout I had a lot of criticisms (which I expected of course). Some people were saying “exercising while pregnant is dangerous”, “I shouldn’t lift weights”, “I’m putting my baby at risk” etc etc. I have the all clear from my Doc to exercise & lift weights. I have had experience in Fitness for 14 years & have been lifting heavy weights for 8 years. I have modified my training and dropped the intensity of my workouts as well as dropped the weights to almost half of what I normally lift. . Exercising while pregnant is completely safe providing you’ve had the all clear from your doc, you don’t have any pain or discomfort and you’re listening to your body. – If something doesn’t feel right then don’t do it. If you’re ever unsure about something just ask your Doc. ? . After the workout I did yesterday I feel the best I’ve felt in the past 3 months!! So happy! ? People said the 2nd trimester gets better & in my case they seem to be right! . ✨ Remember everybody is different so don’t compare yourself to anyone else & what they’re doing and always do what’s right for you. ? . Love Em ? . ?? P.S. Turn “post notifications” on so you don’t miss my pregnancy workout videos! I’ll be posting lots! ?????‍♀ . @emilyskyefitness . Wearing: @reebok

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