The Women’s Health and Men’s Health staff have entered the ITU Triathlon coming to Cape Town on the weekend of the 26th of April and we’re amped! But first we need a little help in the training department. Here are some tips and a training programme from Steve Attwell and Hilda Hopking from Embark training.
With five weeks to go to the event you better get on it if you want to join in! First register here for the sprint triathlon and then follow our programme…
The Swim…
If you need to improve your swim – the quickest most efficient way to do this is simple: One-on-one lessons. Long hours will be wasted re-inforcing the wrong technique if you try to master this technical discipline. Choose a swim coach that specialise in beginners, and preferably have a good understanding of triathlon and open-water swimming.
Secondly, keep it interesting and challenging with swim toys. Start off with a pull buoy, fins and paddles. Remember the basic equipment needed will be good quality goggles (that means the goggles do not leak or steam up…test the goggles in the shop by fitting them on your face without the strap. If they stay on for five seconds, they’re most likely right for you.You’ll also need a swimsuit that fits snugly and comfortably. Choose a pool to train that is fairly quiet and shallow. Make sure the pool has lanes and that the lanes are reserved for serious swimmers like you!
The Bike…
Equip yourself with the correct size bike and have your bike set-up at a cycle shop. It needs to be the correct fit for you height and make sure it’s safe and functional. Invest in a good helmet – safety is paramount. Buy comfortable cycling gloves and triathlon-padded cycle shorts. Now that the gear is out the way, don’t feel overwhelmed by all the information about maintenance (your local bike shop can service your bike for a small fee), punctures, cycle routes… The key is to set out and start cycling. Get used to the saddle as it will feel quite hard but you’ll get used to it in no time.
The Run…
The best thing to remember when you start running is – consistency and moderation. If you start off with too much, too soon, you will get injured in a couple of weeks. Start off with only two or three runs per week – that’s plenty and you’ll build your strength easily. Running should be fun – don’t overdo it and try run too fast or too far. Take your runs easy – chill out, walk a bit, catch your breath. Gradually you will improve and in a few weeks time you’ll be running like a champ without any injuries.
Race: WTS Sprint Triathlon, Cape Town 27 April 2014.
Swim: V&A Waterfront Harbour, Quay 5, Water Temp approx 11 degrees (wetsuit essential).
Bike: Very Flat one-lap course, couple quick corners, two short steep hills.
Run: Flat run along beach front, mainly pavement and wooden walk ways.
The sessions each week will follow a similar structure to create routine in your training…
MONDAY: Run for 20 minutes – run one minute, walk one minute
Don’t try and run hard. Enjoy your run at a chatting pace and take a friend with you. If you battle, shorten the runs and increase brisk walking.
TUESDAY: Swim 700 metres easy
Warm up: 8 x 25m alternating Front Crawl and Breaststroke – Rest 15 seconds after every 50m
Main: 8 x 50m alternating 50m pull buoy, 50m kick and rest for 30 secs after every 50m
Cool Down: 4 x 50m breaststroke (you may use paddles or fins)
Please respect your rest day – your body needs to adapt and grow stronger.
THURSDAY: Ride 45mins at a steady pace
Easy riding – you may do off-road ride if you like.
SATURDAY: Swim 700 metres
Warm Up: 4 x 50m alternating front crawl and kick and rest 20 secs after every 50m
Main Set: 4 x 50m pull buoy – you need to swim 25m easy, 25m hard and then Rest 30secs. 4 x 50m kick – you kick 25m easy, 25m hard then rest 20 secs.
Cool Down: 2 x 50m front crawl/freestyle (you may use paddles and fins).
SUNDAY: Brick session 50 minutes – bike run/walk
Ride 40 minutes at an easy steady pace and then go straight into a 10 minute run/walk, alternating one minute walk, one minute run.
MONDAY: Run/walk 25 minutes
Increase the running time to one minute and 30 seconds and cut the walking time to 30 seconds. See if you manage, if not – revert back to one minute walk and one minute run.
TUESDAY: Swim 900 easy
Warm up: 8 x 25m alternating crawl and breaststroke – rest 10 seconds after every 50m
Main: 4 x 100m alternating 50m pull buoy, 50m Kick and rest for 45 secs after every 100m
Cool Down: 3 x 100m Mixed stroke (you may use paddles or fins)
THURSDAY: Bike 60 minutes
Ride 60 minutes at an easy, steady pace. If you feel saddle sore – try chamois cream.
SATURDAY: Swim 900m
Warm Up: 8 x 50m alternating crawl and breaststroke. Rest 20 secs after every 50m.
Main Set: 2 x 100m alternating 100m pull buoy and 100m crawl/freestyle and rest 45 secs after every 100
4 x 50m Kick – you kick 25m easy, 25m hard and rest 20 secs after every 50m.
Cool Down: 2 x 50m breaststroke and 30 sec rest
SUNDAY: Brick session 60 mins bike and run
Ride 50 mins easy steady pace, then straight into a 10-minute run/walk – alternating one min 30 sec run and 30 secs walk.
MONDAY: 30 mins run and walk
Run 90 secs and walk 30 secs
TUESDAY: Swim 1000 metres
Warm up: 2 x 100m alternating freestyle and breaststroke – rest 30 secs after every 100m.
Main: 4 x 100m crawl/freestyle alternating 50m hard, 50m easy and rest for 45 secs after every 100m.
Cool Down: 4 x 100m mixed stroke (you may use paddles or fins).
THURSDAY: Ride one hour 15 minutes at a steady pace
Make sure to practice how to change a puncture – your local bike shop can show you how.
SATURDAY: Swim 1000 metres
Warm Up: 8 x 50m alternating crawl & breaststroke – rest 20 secs after every 50m.
Main Set: 200m – pull buoy and rest 45 secs, 4 x 25m Sprint kick+ 30 secs rest after every 25m, 2 x 100 crawl (25m easy, 25m hard) and rest 30 seconds.
Cool Down: 2 x 50m breast and 30 seconds rest.
Note: you can swim 200m non-stop after today!
SUNDAY: Brick = Bike and run/walk 1 hour 15 mins
Ride one hour, straight into a 15-minute run or walk – alternating 90 secs run/30 secs walk.
MONDAY: Run 35 mins
Run two mins and walk 30 secs.
TUESDAY: Swim 1200m
Warm up: 2 x 100m front crawl and pull buoy. Rest 30 secs after every 100m.
Main: 4 x 100m crawl descending – try to swim every 100m faster than the previous one, rest for 45 secs after every 100m, 2 x 100m crawl with pull buoy and paddles.
Cool Down: 4 x 100m mixed and rest 30 secs.
THURSDAY: Bike one hour 30 mins
Ride 1h30mins at a steady pace. Practice and take note of hand-signals to other cyclists and motorists.
SATURDAY: Swim 1200m
Warm Up: 8 x 50m crawl with pull buoy and fins, rest 20 secs after every 50m.
Main Set: 2 x 100m – pull buoy hard and fast, then rest 45 secs after every 100m, 100m easy crawl and rest 45 secs, 4 x 100 crawl (25m easy, 25m hard) and rest 30 sec.
Cool Down: 100m stroke of choice.
SUNDAY: Brick one hour 40 mins
Ride 1h20 ride. Straight into a 20-minute run or walk – alternating two mins run and 30 secs walk.
MONDAY: Run 20 mins
Run two mins and walk 30 secs.
TUESDAY: Swim 800m
Warm up: 2 x 100m crawl with fins. Rest 30 secs after every 100m.
Main: 2 x 100m crawl with paddles and pull buoy. Rest for 30 secs after every 100m, 4 x 50m kick set (25m hard + 25m easy), rest 30 secs after every 50m.
Cool Down: 2 x 100m mixed and rest 30 secs.
THURSDAY: Ride 60 mins easy and steady pace.
Click here for more tips for your first triathlon!