WARNING: Avoid These 3 Common Libido Supplements
We got the low-down from the experts on which libido supplements actually work, which are bogus and three that are seriously dangerous!

November 15, 2016

Libido Supplements

Photography by Pixabey

Ah, aphrodisiacs…

We got the low-down from the experts on which libido supplements actually work, which are bogus and three that are seriously dangerous!

When it comes to turning up the heat is there anything we can do naturally – besides eating oysters – that can boost our sex drives? Well, if you’re not a fan of swallowing the delicacy, you could try supplement.

New research from the International Society for Sexual Medicine found that maca root and ginseng show promise in upping sexual arousal. In fact, women taking part on the study saw a change in their libidos after taking up to three grams per day.

Read More: 4 Best Foods To Give Your Libido A Boost

So, what about those libido supplements with more ‘exotic-sounding’ ingredients then? Do they work too?

When it comes to the world of sexual stimulants, here’s where things start to get a little scary. The same researchers found that some products sold online which contain alluring ingredients can be quite dangerous: bufotenin (aka “love stone”) from the venom of Bufo toads is a poison that can be lethal; cantharides from dried beetles (or “Spanish fly”) can inflame sex organs and cause kidney failure; and – in the mood yet? – “mad honey” (from a flower in the Black Sea region) has been linked to low blood pressure, heart attacks and even death. Yikes!

Read More: 4 Lube Ingredients That Should NEVER Come Near Your Vagina

So, those are definitely out, but can you get good results from common garden herbs?

Technically yes, but even herbs (maca and ginseng included) can cause negative side-effects by interacting with medications and making existing conditions (like bleeding disorders) worse.

Our best advice? Chat with your doctor before popping anything.

Looking for more info on your libido? Here are the 10 most common reasons why you or your partner might be suffering with a low libido