Photography by Natthapon Ngamnithiporn/Freepik
Women’s Health does not endorse African Mango Diet Pills, Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Wholemega Diet Pills, or Green Coffee Bean Extract, or Raspberry Ketone Diet. Read this to avoid a diet pill scam.
It has come to our attention that several websites are unlawfully using the Women’s Health® logo to sell diet supplements and pills. These products include, but aren’t limited to:
— Optic Garcinia
— Garcinia Diet
— Purecleanse
— OrganaSlim
— OrganaCleanse A+ Skin
— Iris Eye Gel
— Vimax Detox
— The Mango Diet
— African Mango
— Botox cream
— Aacia berry
— The colon cleanse
— Soloria cleanse
— Formlife
— Secret Rainforest Combo
— Pure Garcinia Ultra and Nutra-Burn
— Nuetrim
These change every few months.
PLEASE NOTE: The Women’s Health® Brand DOES NOT endorse these supplements or diet pills in any way. We have not recommended these products, and we are not affiliated with the companies selling them. These companies are using our brand logo, and in some cases other aspects of our intellectual property, without our permission. Their use of the Women’s Health® logo, etc., in order to attempt to make a false connection between their products and the Women’s Health® brand is both illegal and unacceptable.
READ MORE: What Exactly… Is Garcinia Cambogia And Does It Work?
We are pursuing all of our legal rights in order to attempt to stop this type of unlawful use of the Women’s Health® brand logo, etc. In the meantime, and as a warning to all of our loyal customers, we recommend that you not purchase from the companies. Several sources are reporting that, if you provide your credit card information to the companies selling these pills and supplements, your credit card will be charged indefinitely, and you will not be able to cancel. Again, we reiterate that Women’s Health® is not involved in any way with these companies, including with their billing practices.
The editors at Women’s Health® deeply regret if any of our readers have felt tricked or misled by these scam sites. We value your loyalty and faith in the Women’s Health® brand, and are taking the situation very seriously.
READ MORE: 6 Tips That Will Help You Spot Fake Health News
When falling for the scam, buyers are requested to purchase the products for under R300. However, either the product never arrives, or they receive only one bottle, and their credit card is then charged with another +-R1200. We are getting more and more complaints from people who have fallen for this scam, unfortunately the banks cannot do anything about it.
Finally, we encourage you to read the following 6 tips about how to avoid falling victim to these (and any future) scam sites:
Look at the URL
Unfortunately, even if you see a Women’s Health® logo on the page, you may not be dealing with our website. Look at the website URL (located at the top of your browser) and be sure that it includes “” or “” or “”. If anything comes between the “.com” and the “/” it is likely a fake website. Our site will never appear as “” or “” These sites are fake.
Beware variations of the Women’s Health® logo—especially cases where it’s attached to a number
In several instances, the site will have the Women’s Health® logo, followed by a number (generally a 6 or 7). These sites are fake. The legitimate Women’s Health® website does not have any numbers attached to it. There is only one true Women’s Health® site in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa.
Pay attention to where you found the link
Women’s Health® will occasionally endorse other Rodale Inc. products on our affiliated websites. If you are directed to these through our official homepage or newsletters, you can be sure that it is safe. But if you find a site that does not have “” or “” in the URL and also wasn’t linked to directly from our site, our newsletters, or Rodale affiliated sites and newsletters, then it is likely a scam.
Be wary of multiple endorsements
In several instances, websites are claiming that we endorse their products along with other high-profile experts, such as Dr. Oz or Oprah. These sites are likely a scam if you were not directed there by the endorser’s own page.
Don’t believe diet pill endorsements
While Women’s Health® does occasionally endorse dietary supplements, we will never endorse weight loss pills. Rather, we more often urge our readers to stick to healthy lifestyle alternatives, like these tips and these tricks.
Compare and contrast real and fake
If you look at our site, you’ll see that our house formatting is fairly uniform and that all pages have similar fonts and text sizing standards. In contrast, the diet pill sites are designed differently. Here are three screen shots of scam sites (you can click to enlarge)—notice how, while they do use the Women’s Health® logo, they do not look similar to our site in design or layout
Looking for more? Here’s how you can stay safe online.