“How Yoga Helped Me Change My Life And Lose Over 37 Kilos”
Zodwa's vowed to lose weight after gaining 20kgs during her pregnancy, but she wasn't sure how to do it. Then, she discovered yoga and never looked back.

July 11, 2017

This women's before and after yoga weight loss story

by Boitumelo Moloto

“Weight loss didn’t make me happier it enabled me to do things that make me happy”

Coming from an overweight family, Zodwa was constantly told by her mother that, “this is who you are, you are beautiful just like your aunties, there’s nothing wrong with your weight it’s in your genes.” However, Zodwa thought differently about what her mom had to say.

Zodwa Modisakeng

Occupation: Admin Officer (Public Sector)
Weight before:
113 kg
Weight After: 76 kg
Height: 162 cm
Time taken to lose weight: 1 year
Secret weapon: Discipline and constantly education yourself about healthy eating

The Gain

Her weight gain was gradual over her teenage years, “I come from a Xhosa traditional family, where we were taught to eat and finish your food,” she says. Going on to explain how she got used to overeating even when she was full as they weren’t allowed to leave food. “After getting married and having kids, the weight piled up even more. It got worse after my third child as I gained 20 kg on top of my pre-pregnancy weight,” she adds.

READ MOREHow To Prevent Post-Baby Weight Gain 

The Change

In February 2016, Zodwa’s husband surprised her with a Cruise Trip, “I enjoyed myself but I would be so jealous of the other ladies wearing their bikinis and walking around comfortably,” she says. Looking at a picture standing next to her husband she noticed she was bigger than him, “How is my husband supposed to protect me when I’m twice his size?” When walking on the street with her mother, people would comment and say “you guys look like twins” which she didn’t like because to her it meant “I look like a 60 year old woman”. With all these incidents she decided to change her life and lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.

READ MORE: 5 Ways To Measure Perfect And Healthy Portion Sizes 

The Lifestyle

Zodwa started doing research on weight loss and figured: “I wanted something sustainable and clean, which would be a lifestyle instead of a quick fix”. She came across many diet plans and she says, “I learnt that the only way to lose weight was to cut most or all carbs, starch, fat and sugar.” She exercised twice a day and started doing Yoga. “After reaching my short term goal of 85 kilos, I was looking to toning and sculpting my body.”

READ MORE: 9 Really Small Diet Changes That Lead to Major Weight Loss

The Reward

“People started to notice changes, my face and stomach became smaller, and my neckline visible and I felt great,” says Zodwa. She dropped 5 dress sizes and could run around and play with her kids without complaining. Zodwa’s confidence increased each day, as her skin felt clearer and radiant.

Ready to transform your life too? Sign up to Women’s Health’s expert-approved eating and exercise plan — Lean Body Blitz — and watch the weight disappear.

Zodwa’s Tips

 Set short and long term goals. “Write them down and paste them where you will always see them.”
— 80% diet + 20% exercise = 100% results. “What you eat contributes more to your progress, together with exercise.”
— Don’t be afraid of being a beginner. “If you don’t start, you’ll never know. An expert was once a beginner”

Has Zodwa’s story inspired you? Look up more inspiring stories of women who lost weight in just a few months and read up on Boity Thulo secret weapon to losing weight.